Bulk export sign-ons for all current projects?
Bulk export sign-ons for all current projects using this step-by-step guide for efficiently managing sign-on data across multiple projects.
βHow to Bulk Export Sign-Ons for All Projects
βOpen the Project Overview
Navigate to your project overview page.
Do not select a specific project.
Select the Date Range
Choose the date range for which you want to export the sign-ons
Adjust Sign-Ons per Page
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Ensure the number of sign-ons per page is set to 150. This setting ensures all sign-ons are displayed.
Export to CSV
At the bottom of the page, find and click on the Export to CSV button.
This action will export your sign-ons across all projects into a CSV file.
Contact Support if Needed
If you have any questions, use the green chat box in the bottom right-hand corner to reach out for assistance.
Additional Notes
Ensure that your date range and sign-ons per page settings are correct before exporting.
The CSV file will contain all the sign-ons within the selected date range and projects.
By following these steps, you can easily bulk export sign-ons for all projects.